When Will My Guppies Give Birth?


Fish Crazy
Jan 8, 2008
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hi, i am leaving the country in a few hours so reply fast. when will these guppies give birth:


here is the other one


the one with the red tails gravid spot is dark orange with alot of black dots, and the second guppy has a smaller belly but a darker gravid spot.
Its very hard to tell by the pics m8, but they look fairly big.
yah sorry, i was too close with the camera, i have another pic, give me a sec.
here is the red one in a breeeding trap

Looks close, leave her in there for a night and see how it goes :)
i cant :-( i am leaving on a vacation for 9 days, my grandpa will feed the fish, but he is not really capable of taking care of some baby fish.
I would just release her then and leave the fry to survive on thier own, not much else you can do really unless you can heavily plant the tank before you leave
ok thanks, one end of the tank has a bunch of plants so some might survive.

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