Please Help To Sex My Swordtails!


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Just wondered if anybody can help me out and sex my 2 swordtails. Recently noticed them doing funny dances and blocking each other with their tails, i wondered if this was the start of a beautiful relationship!!

check out the pics



Both males, if they have sword, they are male, females dont get swords :)

You can see thier gonopodium as well (instead of anal fin, its a long pointed thing)
my tank is 80 litres.

theres no aggression, ie. no nipping of fins or chasing. and it was only a recent thing so i just wondered what they were doing!
Are there any lovely ladies in there? If not, you might want to add some if you have the room.

*Shhhhhh* Don't tell the mollies, but the swords are my favorites.
5teady: Females do get swords after old age. I've seen it happen, it's been recorded in books, and other members on here have seen it ahppen. Just thought i'd point that ouit, but females with swords are easy to identify as they have larger bellie.
5teady: Females do get swords after old age. I've seen it happen, it's been recorded in books, and other members on here have seen it ahppen. Just thought i'd point that ouit, but females with swords are easy to identify as they have larger bellie.

If i recall i was the one who posted the post about females turning in to males :rolleyes:

Females have been known to change sex, but hwy would i want to confuse the guy by all that when he just wants to know a simple question about his fish?

Females change sex when they are older due to harrasment in tanks where the females are numbered by males, most of them die not long after the change as their bodys cant cope with the change (and females bellies do not stay fat when they change) they go to male size....

I haved seen it happen with my own eyes with one of my koi swords....

So no point inj pointing out something i already know ;)

Keep things simple for simple questions.. going in to depth just causes further confusion, its very rare females change so no need to bother pointing it ouyt as generally male have swords, females dont :rolleyes:
Sorry 5teady, i just figuerd i'd let you know! I dont usually pay attention to who posts what topic, even if i post in it( i posted in your swordtial topic i think!)>
^ lol

If you do decide to buy females you should buy at least 5 or 6. If you don't have enough room in the tank for that many females, don't buy any. If there are more males than females or a similar number, the males might fight more (because they have something to compete over) or chase the females non stop and drive them mad.
thanks for the advice, currently i cant really add any more fish but i will bear it in mind for the future.


IM A LADY!!! hahaha. All this talk about sexing gets confusing but i know im definately female!!!
They are both males. Only males actually have the sword tails. As for their behavior, don't worry at all. I have a male dominated tank and I know what you're talking about. I think all male livebearers are bisexual! lol jk They don't care who's in the tank, if there aren't enough/any females for them to mate with they will mate with each other or other females not of the same type. Horny bastards! lol Nothing to worry about with their behavior.

Lovely looking fish!

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