Some Of My New Male Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2007
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no super amazing tails of anything but they are mine and i love them all
will post pictures of my 5 females when i can get camera to work again

btw most of my fish had been attacked when i got them so they are all being treated and mr grmpy ate the inside of his tail so hes not in good shape any more lol


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Well they look great in their photos!

Mr. Grumpy is a gorgeous color! Hopefully he'll stop chompin on his yummy tail though!

And Shread is a little cutiepie!
I hope they both make a full recovery from whatever they were attacked by!
They look super. Ditto on Mr Grumpy's colour too. Little Shread look abit like our Camelia :wub:
yeah i love mr grumpys colours

shread will make a great dad, i had just bought him and put him in his tank and then a few days later i put 12 baby swordtail/platy into his tank he hasnt eaten any of them and then i introduced a pregnant swodtail into his tank while i set up a tank for her. hopefullt this means shread wont eat any of his babies!!! but then you never know :unsure:

o by the way i went to the petstore to buy 4 females and a male
mr grumpy was my male i chose and the petstore owed me a female so i chose shread as a female for free!!!
turns out to be a male and the pet store was a bit annoyed. lol

will post photos of girls later when i can find some batteries for it lol
here are my girls
i cannot get a clear picture of mitzee :angry:

any ideas of what 2 you think i should try breeding in the future???


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ant ideas on who i should give a go at breeding???
yeah i was wanting to try sread and ziggles or mr grumpy and miss tickle

only problem with ziggles is that she is very aggressive and shread is very passive so i was wondering if she wolud be too much for him :unsure:
I think Mit and Friz would be a good match for Shread as well. They all have similar coloring.. it's just that Zig is the best match up heh.
You could try her though. Just watch them very closely after you've conditioned them and let her loose and if she starts getting way too aggressive take her out.
i think that i might try to breed shread and fitzee
she is looking like a crowntail now that her fins are growing back and she has a lovely green colour to her
then my second spawn i will try mr grumpy and miss tickle

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