Will This Work For My Grow Out Tank?


Feb 2, 2008
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Urbana, IL
I'm assuming that I'll just have to not fill it up with water all the way? I don't know. It's a 56 gallon tall, which means the little guys will have to swim further than normal to get to the top.

I'm kind of proud of the tank ATM. See below for the before and after pictures. That's how I spent my weekend. I can't decide. Do you think I should put a nickel handle on the middle door? It's the only one that opens...but I don't know if I should. What do you think?

(The black is the after picture. It still needs a good scrubbing! Sorry it's so dirty!! Not bad for $75 though... :))


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I would put a nickel handle on the door... but thats just my style.

i'm not sure about how to fill that tank....... if you could possibly get a plant to reach the top, I would say it is betta ready.

edit: as long as you can filter it w/o creating too much of a current.
So, tonight I'm going to get a handle. Here's another question about the tank though... Do you think I could put a divider in the middle of it and successfully raise 2 spawns of fry?

Talk amongst yourselves. ;)
That's a fantastic transformation job you've done there........it looks good as new :good:
Wow, beautiful! I'd totally put a nickel handle on it. In fact, maybe I should put one on my stand.

I've never tried young bettas in a really deep tank. Maybe you could start with it filled halfway, then gradually raise it and see how they do.
Wow, beautiful! I'd totally put a nickel handle on it. In fact, maybe I should put one on my stand.

I've never tried young bettas in a really deep tank. Maybe you could start with it filled halfway, then gradually raise it and see how they do.

I was planning to do the "add more water per week" method I've read on other forums. That way, they gradually get used to having to swim higher and higher. I suppose my double spawn question will be a judgment call, depending on how many of the fry make it to that point. If I only have 10, then of course I can divide it...etc. You think?
Okay. I put a handle on it tonight...I think it looks better. Yay. :)

Still debating whether or not it'll be possible to divide it.


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tank looks top notch.... as far as dividing, i cannt offer any professional input
tank looks top notch.... as far as dividing, i cannt offer any professional input

As for dividing I personally would buy another tank if you can. Give them some room to swim.

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