Divided Betta Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2008
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can people put pics up of the tanks they keep multiple bettas in??

Houses 4 male Bettas!
These are a 12 divided for 3 girls and a 10 gall for 2 boys


This is my 10gal. Divided for 4 females and 1 male.
I swear it's not brown and dingy like in the photo lol. B/c of there isn't a background, when I take pics w/ a flash it shows the brown desk behind it making the tank appear brown :p heh

Shaz...are they "proper" aquarium dividers or homemade. If the latter, where do you get the clear plastic from

Many thanks


there proper ones lol

got one from local fish shop for £10 and then one from ebay for £7.49 delivered :nod: make is penn plax

I use black canvas sheets.. 7 mesh i think. And i slide them into file binders which i silicone in.. Cheap and easy :good:

I see. I've not been able to come across black canvas. I really want to use it to, as my tank background is black. The closest thing I've found is black fiberglass screen...I don't know how I'd make that work though. I've got a couple more craft stores to check out today.
I use black canvas sheets.. 7 mesh i think. And i slide them into file binders which i silicone in.. Cheap and easy :good:

I see. I've not been able to come across black canvas. I really want to use it to, as my tank background is black. The closest thing I've found is black fiberglass screen...I don't know how I'd make that work though. I've got a couple more craft stores to check out today.

Bought mine from Ebay... What size are you looking for?

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