Lots Of Pics


Fish Herder
Jan 28, 2008
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Here is my first official picture topic for my 2 bettas. Flash likes to be alone (as i learned while he tried to eat/attack the ottos AND snail while they were floating in a bag in his tank. He is the Cambodian colored one with spots all over. He was my first, obsessed with me walking into the room, and can perform some fun tricks (No pics of his tank setup!...... it's a good one too).

Dodger is my new guy as of a couple of days ago. He's quite possibly the most curious and fastest adapting betta i have seen. I cannot put anything in the tank without having to "shoo" him away with my hand underwater to ward him off. He's not quite so "spazzy" when i approach the tank.... but i fear i have another begger on my hands. He ate, flared, and made a bubble nest the first day in his tank...... new behavior for me (although i stood in petsmart for nearly 2 hours picking out the "best" one).

The snail: Turbo (of course). The 2 ottos: Milo and Otis. ;) ... and let ther be PICTURES! (or ban)

I seem to be unable to add anymore pics...... have a few more...... maybe at my limit :(


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  • flash_cave_1.jpg
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  • flash_flare.jpg
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ill link the rest of the pics from image shack in a sec




Great pis hun and i love the tank, is there a moonlight in there or something coz some of them pics look blueish?
Really nice fish and great setup, those are some lucky bettas! :good:
OMG!! VERY SEXAH, Nice job on the setup:p you Bettas look very cool
thanks for the comments everyone.

It is in fact a 5gal half hex with a whisper filter. I have 2 back-to-back with a divider in between. Just normal lighting, nothing special.

The 2 ottos: Milo and Otis. ;)

What a co-inkidink, my otto is named Otis :p. Nice set up you have there mate!
haha nice. I was thinking about trying to introduce one of the ottos into the other tank when he was a bit bigger and i didnt have to worry about him being eaten...... but watching the two guys play follow the leader all day is too much fun.
Gorgeous bettas you have. Wonderful tank too. I want to try and get one like that some day...how much did it cost??
Gorgeous bettas you have. Wonderful tank too. I want to try and get one like that some day...how much did it cost??
Each setup ended up costing me about $75 once i got the thermometer, heater, plants, cave, gravel, etc. I think the tank itself is about $45-50 (new of course). Needless to say, no more bettas or betta setups like this for me for a while :lol:

The filter works great and there is only a tad bit of current directly in front of the filter that i catch both of my bettas playing in every once in a while.

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