Tabby Terror


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
norfolk uk
Well, tonight , I have made my sad post in the Rainbow bridge section, now I get to make my "moving on" post in this one...
After we lost Jack, the dynamics in the house changed, and our other cat, Suki, became a bit confused.
We decided to get another cat to re-dress the balance and here he is..
He is a 7 month old rescue cat and we have called him Dexter.
He is absolutely gorgeous, and very friendly, but still very kittenish and gives Suki a right run for her money. She has to watch her back at all times for fear of getting a good hiding!
Here are some action shots..and the butter wouldn't melt one! cartwheel.JPGFISHING.JPG[attachment=49


    81.9 KB · Views: 54
Awww, just the same as my cat, il put a pic on in a min to show you :)
Cheers , he is a honey.
I just noticed how similar the first pic is to the cat in my avatar lol
Nice cat, if you edited the first pic and put a basketball in his paw, it will look real funny :lol:
HAHA that looks awsome :lol: i can tell you used a really proffesional computer editing programe for that :fun:
:good: :rolleyes: :unsure: :hyper: :) What a cute kitty! I think it is so neat when people adopt older cats. They deserved to be loved to. :blush:
Ooooh, such cute picks! Exelent choice for a name too. One of my dogs is named Dexter. I would nominate ether the first or the second pickture for PTOM, but I already nominated another pet. I hope someone elts nominates him.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I saw the pics of your other cat on your post on the Rainbowbridge thred. He was a very buitifull cat. Was he a Russian Blue?
Ooooh, such cute picks! Exelent choice for a name too. One of my dogs is named Dexter. I would nominate ether the first or the second pickture for PTOM, but I already nominated another pet. I hope someone elts nominates him.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I saw the pics of your other cat on your post on the Rainbowbridge thred. He was a very buitifull cat. Was he a Russian Blue?

LOL at the basketball pics, they're fantastic! Cheers for that!
As for Jack, he was a cross with a moggy, I was told he had some burmese in him but looking at pics, I think Russian Blue was more like it. He was a lovely cat, and such a unique character, Dexter will never replace him, but he is already growing quite a cute personality himself, despite waking us up lastnight jumping all over the bed at 2am!

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