Algae Problem On Plants And Decorations


Fish Fanatic
Apr 21, 2005
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I have a Juwel 180 tank, DIY Co2, as supplied twin tubes with reflectors.

Lights on approx 10-11 hrs per day.

Feeding plants with King British Plant Food.

PH 6.7

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate approx 40

KH 6

The plants get a greenish coating on the leaves and decorations, some of it can be removed with a gravel cleaner but it is becomming a nussiance. Can anyone identify what it is and how to treat it please.


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Blurry pictures but it looks to me like Blue/Green Algae. If you live in America you're lucky, you can get the stuff that really works. It looks like you may have too much for a blackout to work :S
Blurry pictures but it looks to me like Blue/Green Algae. If you live in America you're lucky, you can get the stuff that really works. It looks like you may have too much for a blackout to work :S

sorry for the blurry pic, I live in UK....anything I can do, would Seachem excel do the trick....less light hours.....
No, bga is an indication of 2 things, low flow rates and lack of KNO3. Clean the tank really really well Run a black out for 3 days after increase kno3 and flow.
No, bga is an indication of 2 things, low flow rates and lack of KNO3. Clean the tank really really well Run a black out for 3 days after increase kno3 and flow.

living in the UK, where do I get KNO3 from ?
Aqua essentials, what is your tanks spec? It might be worth buying an all in one dosing liquid such as tropica NPK+, anything by king british tends to be rubbish.
Wha'ts the stuff in the US that gets rid of blue green algae? I think our 28gal is overun with it.
Also what is KNO3?
It's supposed to be the last thing you try after cleaning and a blackout but maracyn is supposed work wonders with it. Unfortunatly it contains an anti-biotic which is controlled in the UK :(
Oh bleh... I really don't want to go medicating the tank. Plus I medicated another tank that has green algae and it didn't do squat to it heh. Or does it only work on BGA?
Anywho.... yeah, treating w/ maracyn definitely not going to happen.

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