My Bolivian Ram


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2008
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Here is a pic of my Bolivian Ram. He is doing well in my tank and is not shy. He rarley ever is out of sight. I have had him about 2-3 weeks and feed him freeze dried bloodworms and top fin color flakes. He is about 2.5"


Could someone tell me if he is a male or female? I want to get him a friend :hyper:
Congrats with the bolivian! He looks well colored and healthy! A side-on picture of it would be helpful in sexing him/her, and it can be quite the challenge. I also posted my little Bolivian trying to get a positive Male or Female ID but it is very hard.

Here is mine:

I was told it was probably a female for a few reasons: 1) Her ovipositer (the small tube sticking out from the cloaca) is visible, but then again males can also show what looks like an ovipositer. 2) the males have longer rays on their dorsal (top) fin than do females, 3) they tend to have longer filaments or streamers on their caudal fin, 4) tend to show more color than females, and 5) tend to be more territorial.

Also, be careful about adding a friend. I don't know if I sexed mine wrong or sexed the Bolivian I got from the pet shop, but they did NOT get along. My establish ram nearly beat the other one to death. I had to put him in another tank for a while then return him.

Hope that helps!
Here is mine:

I was told it was probably a female for a few reasons: 1) Her ovipositer (the small tube sticking out from the cloaca) is visible, but then again males can also show what looks like an ovipositer. 2) the males have longer rays on their dorsal (top) fin than do females, 3) they tend to have longer filaments or streamers on their caudal fin, 4) tend to show more color than females, and 5) tend to be more territorial.

I'd agree that yours looks like a female Chuka.

As Chuka said, you could really do with a side view of your Ram. I have a feeling it may be a male, good colouration. Would need a side pic to try and confirm. It is not always very easy to sex these fish.
Ok here is the best side view I could get. Sorry about the Gourami. They are best friends. I think mine may be a male, he gets mad at barbs when they come towards him and he does have that spot on his side, most of the time...

Ok here is the best side view I could get. Sorry about the Gourami. They are best friends. I think mine may be a male, he gets mad at barbs when they come towards him and he does have that spot on his side, most of the time...

View attachment 49236

I m gonna go try to get a better one
Got It!!!


I think its a female i can see a small tube
Could i get in on the sexing help. I'm hoping i have a male and a female, but i'm still not sure. I've read all the info on the dorsal fin, but its so hard to tell.

These fish seem to be paired. They are always together, but somtimes i cant tell if they are fighting or wooing.

There is a lot of eratic swimming, which makes me think its a mating dance, but then they "ram" eachother and loch jaws while spinning in circles. I've had them for about 2 months, and neither is damaged, so i dont think they are hurting eachoter.




both seem to have short 1st and 2nd spikes on the dorsal fin. so these are 2 females?
WOW radman, that bol ram is so colourful, have you photoshopped it or something?, if not i've never seen a bolivian ram that colourful :drool:
Here's a picture of my pair finishing laying a new batch of eggs:


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