Planted Aquascape Help

lo siento

New Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Hey all first time poster. I have a 55g tank that I would like some help setting it up.

I used some plant gravel/fertilizer and was trying to put a top layer of black gravel but as you can see in the picture it started to mix some. My total light watts right now are 36w which I've been looking into increasing to maybe (2) 24" 65W lights for a total of 130W. The current plants I bought at the LFS and don't really remember the names of them.

My idea for the tank was to have the right hand side planted and could use some help in picking out some plants and arrangement. I would like to incorporate some carpeting plants that looks like very short grass.

For the left hand side I wanted to keep it kinda plain and like an open field with the drift wood as the centerpiece for that side. I was maybe thinking of doing a carpeting plant around the drift wood and having like gravel paths in the design.

Here is a picture let me know what you guys think would be good plants or design ideas.


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