Blood Streaked Betta


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
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IM not sure if this is an emergency, or if he is just stressed from being shipped. he has just gotten here from being shipped sunday to monday...then a rest and being shipped tuesday to wedsnesday. I got him from Thailand. He is eating just fine, though hes a little slower than the others, and doesnt seem to want to flare his fins all the way out, though they are by no means clamped. Hes acclimated now to the bowl hes in (the tanks i ordered havent arrived yet). i got four fish in this shipment, and the otheer three seem to be doing just fine. hes the only one having any kind of problems. and he doesnt even seem to be having that bad of issues. is this just from stress? should i do anything about it?or should i just give him time? he was very expensive, i dont want to lose him. (im attaching my purchase picture) now that i added the pic, it almost looks like this might have been before he got here. if u look at the pic it almost looks like he had it in the picture. any thoughts would be wonderful. thanks!


  • Royal_Blue.jpg
    57.6 KB · Views: 20
Not sure exactly what you're talking about, in the pic I saw some red streaking that looks like a bit of red wash, but nothing out of the ordinary. Is that what ur refering to?
Red streaking in fins, bad water qulaity to septicemia.
Can't see in the pic.
More than likely due to bad water quality being in the bag.
You can get red patches as well and that can still be septicemia.

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