My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hi everyone can you rate my tank plz heres some pics



i really dont like it, not a fan of castle ornaments and toys etc in a tank.

The air stone is visible and the green/white plant isnt aquatic.
As said by Dark, I agree... I don't like the castle or the airstone showing, and that one plant isn't aquatic. Aswell, I'm not a fan of that gravel... It looks too... well fake I guess, it looks to me like you just glued the gravel together in that shape and dropped it in.
As said by Dark, I agree... I don't like the castle or the airstone showing, and that one plant isn't aquatic. Aswell, I'm not a fan of that gravel... It looks too... well fake I guess, it looks to me like you just glued the gravel together in that shape and dropped it in.

gravel does look a bit fake to me 2 wen u hav good look at it
i have covered the airstone many times and my fish just seem to uncover it so i leave it how they like it
I love the size and shape of your tank - wish I had room for one that size!

As for the layout, I think it looks nice!

It's all down to personal taste anyway, so as long as you like it - that's all that matters! :good:
i guess its personal taste but for my first tank i thhink its great
Hi im new here and just starting up my secound quarium not as big as yours but is a rio 125 which fits nicely in my room, the main thing is make sure you like it some people wont like what youv done some people will i think looks nice

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