What Do You Think About


Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Israel baby
some tank info:

Tank size: 10 gall American
substrate: laterite / iron slag
lighting: 2 15 watt tubes one white one purple
decor: wood rocks
inhabitants: a group of cardinals and 2 ottos 1 dwarf gourami 1 cherry shrimp
plants: amazon sword, crypts Hygrophila polysperma and sunset and tiger lotcas lily


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wow , tank looks good , love the substrate! So how many cardinals are there in there then? :drool:


i recently moved the gourami to my new tank

im planning to get a pair of guppies soon
thank you all so much

i really want to find a good foreground plant that could carpet nicely

if you have any suggestions about anything i will be happy to hear them
dwarf riccia or java moss , you cold attach the to slate or driftwood , or just let them grow out of the substrate
nice looking tank :)

hmm floor coverer... well this is a suggestion, not really a floor coverer but you could try dwarf hair grass. I have 2 in my tank, they look good and will be excellent hiding place for your guppy fry once you have some :)
i think hairgrass will be to tall for the front of the tank... and plus i hear it needs lots of light or else it dies out

i think ill try to get a hold of some moss somtime tie it to some slate or something

thanks for the suggestion though
i cant wait till i get some fry..

first id have to find my pair

im thinking a red tiger looking guppies

or two shiney blues

what do you think

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