New Planted Tank Queations


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
My tank is a ten gallon with a whisper 10 filter and top fin 25W heater. Also I have a 15W flourescent light over it. The substrate is eco complete. This is my first planted tank, so although I've done a lot of reading, its still pretty new to me.

Yesterday I put my first plants in the tank. Lizard's tail, anubias nana, xingu sword, dragon's tounge, and gymnocoronis. (sorry I don't know all of the scientific names). This morning all of my plants have yellowing leaves. I am planning on adding co2 this week. Is this the problem? Do I need to add ferts? I know the lighting is a little low, so I tried to pick low-light plants. I'm worried about my new little guys, any advice is much appreciated.
Some of those plants sound non-aquatic going by the names alone. If you are able to post a pic that would help. Most commercial aquatic plant growers, grow the plants out of the water with only their roots wet as this makes it easier to grow them. It does however have the side effect of making them grow leaves that are suited to being out of the water. As such when you take them home the first thing they do is start growing leaves that are suited to being underwater and discarding the original ones, your plants could just be doing this. I would however say that this process takes weeks especially in low light, I would be surprised if it happened over night, is it possible that you just didn't see the yellowing when you added them?

Here's a pic of the tank before they started yellowing.


When I got home this evening, they looked even worse...the only one that looks okay is the one in the back with the bigger leaves, I think this plant was a tag-a-long though as everything was accounted for in the order and it doesn't look like the others. How do you know if its actually dieing or just growing underwater leaves? Is there anything I can do to help them out? Thanks!
I emailed the seller and she said to add a cup of soda water every other day until I can get my CO2 unit up and running. I did that today, so we'll see. If anyone has any other input that would be great.

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