Male Guppy With Swollen Abdomen

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Fish Crazy
May 16, 2007
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Came in today to find gordon very swollen in the abdomen and not eating, hiding out a bit. The others all seem fine. Have put him in the hospital tank.

I am going to try him on a pea but worried that this is some sort of internal parasite.

Water stats in the main tank fine. One of the others died overnight a few weeks ago with no previous symptoms - at the time i assumed it was age (he was the oldest and biggest of the lot) but now I am worried it might have been the same problem.

Any ideas? What other symptoms shoudl I be looking out for that will help me make a diagnosis?


UPDATE: He ignored the pea so I removed it. He is now lying on the bottom of the tank, still upright but only just. I don't know what to do.

Please note this is definitely a MALE guppy, not a gravid female (pic not clear). The swelling has come up since 5pm yesterday. They had been fed some frozen (defrosted) daphnia three days previously, the last two days they were on their usual hikari fancy guppy pellets.

Is there any point starting him on some meds? I really don't think he's going to live much longer. he looks dreadful.

UPDATE 2: He just got up off the floor of the tank and expelled a large quantity of white stringy faeces so I guess that rules constipation out. Please, if anyone has any idea of what I should do please let me know.
Do his fins seem frayed at all?
How is his breathing?

Maybe try a salt dip as this can help relieve swollenness in the abdomen.
Fins are fine. He seems to be breathing normally. He is still holding himself upright but is belly-down on the floor.

Believe it or not I ran out of salt this afternoon. I put the last teaspoon in the hospital tank with him. I will get round to the shops first thing tomorrow and give him a salt bath if he is still alive.
Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. He has managed to pass the poo and I vac'd it out of the tank asap.

Any suggestions for treatment (assuming he doesn't die overnight) ?

And what can I do about the others in my main tank? Is there some sort of preventative measure I can take with them? Any medication?

I hope someone out there can help, thankyou for your time.
UPDATE 3: Still alive 24hours on. Gave him a salt bath today but he is still very listless. More white stringy poo. Not eating. Added 1/2 tsp per gallon salt to my main tank - not sure if this will actually do anything but worth a try. My LFS has no medication for internal parasites (only external). Is there anyone in the UK who can recommend a medication and tell me where I can get it? I have snails and guppies only in my tank.
Not the two within walking distance of me...
Going to get a lift out to the other side of the city tomorrow as I know there is one out there that does a wider range. I think it may be too late for Gordon but hopefully I can treat the others.

Thanks though.

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