Sebastian Has A New Tank! Take A Look.


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
South Australia
Hi all,
I just got a new tank for Sebastian for my birthday. I had a Baby Biorb on order for weeks, and the very day I gave up and got this new tank, the shop called me to say the Biorb was in. Sebastian was already set up in his new home, so I had to pass on the Biorb. This one gives him 5 more litres than the Biorb anyway, and he seems to love it. The tank is an Aqua One 20 Litre tank, and has a built in light and undergravel filter. I'm so glad that Sebastian has so much room, and he seems really happy. He has a snail as a tank mate, but he does nip at the poor thing occasionally. If this keeps happening, I might have to put the snail in my goldie tank. Anyway, here's a couple of pics:


Verrrrry nice love the decor too :good:
Thanks everyone! Sebastain seems to have settled in really well, so things have worked out great :).
Thanks everyone! Sebastain seems to have settled in really well, so things have worked out great :) .

Aww his tank is well nice!!!
have you tried him with corrys?
my goober is in a 25L and has two,
i have 7 in the 15 gallon tank these two were bieng bullied by the others s gooer has them
Thanks nakomis. Sebastian's only tank mate ever is his new snail. I'm a bit nervous about trying him with anything else. I put a BN catfish in with a Betta once, and the formally calm Betta became really aggressive. I think Sebastian's happy now, so I won't mess with things. He does a happy dance, or just comes over to gaze at me whenever I come near, so I check on him a lot, and he seems to like it. It gives him some company without him feeling threatened.

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