My Tank With Not As Many Mistakes

Well I just finished switching over all my substatre. Here is a shot of the in between state.


3 fish couldn't handle all the changes. It was a sad time -_-

Well fortunately it was only 3 blue chromis. And it makes room for something cooler, but still I hate to see fish go.

WOOOHOOOO!!!! I got my first "COOL" thing for the tank!!

I know it's only a really small polyp colony, but it's pretty cool to me.

I am also getting a 48" two tube light fixture for my tank to help my polyps out a little.

I am currently stock at :

1 pink spotted blenny
2 blue chromis
1 firefish
1 cleaner wrasse
1 large hermit crab
5 small hermit crabs
1 turbo snail
2 astrea snaila
5 margarita snails
1 sally light foot crab
1 small polyp colony

I think it's coming along nicely and thanks for all the tips. They have changed my tank dramatically!!!!

Those polyps look to me a little like colonial hydroids...

...which are a pest with a mighty sting.

Click "Common Reef Hitchikers" in my signature and scroll down to colonial hydroids. :/

do hydroids have a hollow trunk? Mine has the "fingers" like in your picture, but the have a hollow trunk(like a tree) and I lave seen brine shrimp food get caught in the "fingers" and then pulled down into the trunk. If it is not a polyp I want to return it. More info would be much appreciated :D
do hydroids have a hollow trunk? Mine has the "fingers" like in your picture, but the have a hollow trunk(like a tree) and I lave seen brine shrimp food get caught in the "fingers" and then pulled down into the trunk. If it is not a polyp I want to return it. More info would be much appreciated :D

I don't know if they are hollow or not, but either way, they are polyps; just not coral polyps :hey:

Until you know for sure, keep it away from other polyps.

Ok, well I have not posted in forever, but I thought I would add some updates. I have been taking this VERY slow and am happy for this. I guesstimate that I have about 75 pounds of LR in my 55 US gallon tank. I went on vacation and my dad fed the fish. Too much food=HIGH ammonia=unhappy people. Lost CBS, Sally Light Foot. Not upset about the Sally though, because it became VERY aggressive. I suspect that it was the demise of my little teeny goby.

So currently I have:
banded dragon goby
cleaner wrasse
2 blue chromis
many of those small starfish(the ones like 1cm wide)
2 turbo snails
1 margarita snail
1 chestnut cowrie

small caulerpa plant
dying seaweed plant
Many many sponges :good:
3 red mushrooms growing in shells(won't spread like crazy)

I think thats it.

Things I learned NEVER buy a sally light foot(very aggressive) I saw my jump of a rock spin 180 degrees and land on another rock to snatch some food :crazy: ), don't buy a banded dragon goby unless it's FO tank. It will blanket everything with sand and it's a pain to keep clean so that the good stuff can grow. In a very clean tank(unless mine is just weird) algae production is low and my cleanup crew dies off with out supplement. I keep WAY less than the recommended amount and my tank is very clean and my critters are happy. Keep temp around 78 and snails eat ALOT more.

I am running magnum 350 and coralife needle wheel skimmer for 100 gallon tanks. My tank is SO clear. Everyone needs a skimmer AND I feel so much better after seeing all the crap that comes out of the skimmer.




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Again I haven't posted i a while. I thought the site was gone because I wasn't around when the update had happened and it didn't look the same

So I wanted to post a couple of things. In the past few posts here there is a picture of the red mushrooms that I bought, and the polyps(which it turns out don't sting as I have accidently touch them many times) have both grown very nicely over the long run.

I have decided Bristle worms are awesome. Once I was trying to get rid of them, but when the power went out and I lost 1 fish. The next more I woke up to find a completely cleaned carcass. Don't get me wrong I was happy about it at all, it was one of may favorite fishes, but it's nice to see nature (the bristle worms in this case) help out and keep the tank polution down.

Oh yeah and yesterday I got my first bristle worm sting, those things are nasty!!

Anyway stocking is now:
1 Cleaner Wrasse(the original I bought, had it about 1.5 years now)
1 Banded Dragon Goby
1 PJ Cardinal
2 of the original 5 Blue Chromis (2 years old)
1 Scooter Dragonet (more commonly called scooter blenny even though it's not a blenny)

8 Red Mushrooms(all from the original 2) ranging i size from 5mm(the new babies) to 6 inches
1 Fox coral frag(has split into 3 heads from the original 1)
2 Hermit Crab Anemones(not on the shells anymore)
About 200 or more small feather dusters(mainly white a few pink)
Small zooanthid frag(has grown about 500% in size in 2 months)

3 Turbo Snails
1 Astrea Snail
6 Narssarius Snails
6 Various Hermits

No filter, just a skimmer(about a year)
3 power heads
4 bulb T5
2 heaters
double post


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First pic: I love this one, 2 turbo's sleeping next to each other

Second Pic: This ones great!! Turbo on the bottom, Astrea in the middle, Nassirus on the top


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