Rusty Plec Eye Infection


Jun 7, 2006
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Hi all,

I recently made a topic about my rusty plec and although there were many conclusions, as to what the problem was, there was no real unanimous decision.

Now with pictures, heres the problem:

The fish looks as if it has a cloudy eye, but also clouds of flesh around it. It doesnt seem to be blind and although the problem used to be on the oter side, it has gone. I dosed it with biblical amounts of flubenol 15 (72 gallon tank) and it doesnt seem to have done much.

Any help would be most greatful.

Nasy never seen anything like it.
I would try myxazin and pimfix.
Does it look like he's losing the eye.
i thought he was going to loose both eyes at one stage, but the other eye got better over night. I will try those other treatments. How about melafix?

I just dosed a 3 day course of esha 2000 as it is similar to the myxazin and i have it at my disposal.
Cant believe it. The esha 2000 is working a treat! The tank looks flourescent green, and after adding 83 drops to the tank, i'm not supprised. However the rusty plec seems to be healing at an extra ordinarily good rate. Just after 8 hours, the inflamation has gone right down and the eye is looking to be more "attached" to the socket. I'll follow up a pic tomorrow with its progress.
Good news.
With using the flubenol thought it wasnt a parasite, thought go the bacterial route.
Glad he's on the mend.
Good luck.

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