Molly In Distress Whilst Giving Birth?!

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Sep 27, 2007
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Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, UK
My molly has been pregnant for a while now - I got her in the fry net this morning as her back became really engorged.
However, tonight... I'm REALLY worried. She's almost vertical face down, barely moving & has what can only be described as a clear sack like thing (bout the size of a dry pea) filled with bits of blood coming out of her. Is this normal for a Molly birth?? She's already given birth to one baby but whatever's coming out of her hasn't moved all day & she's extremely still flapping her fins every now & then.... what can I do?!?
she's just died & it looked like an agonising death! I thought she was about to give birth & she showed no signs of illness whatsoever, she was perfectly healthy this morning. She now has a bloody sack hanging out of her back - she was my favourite and first molly - I can't describe my sadness at the fact that I couldn't help her....
Sorry there was nothing that could be done, sounds like a tuma or something that could of been making her look pregnant.

RIP :(
i'm wondering if it was a tumour but it happened so fast - I'm still in shock.
I'm posting some pics in the hope that someone can please diagnose this...


  • molly_dead_8_10_07.jpg
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Bless her R.I.P.
The sac did it look like a sack of parasites, or just filled with flulid and blood.
hi Wilder - thanks for replying - I'm really upset by this!
It kind of looks like small frogspawn - like balls of jelly all moulded together filled with blood.... I'm at a loss at what happened to her!
Must of been awful for you aswell.
It could of been abortion of the babies with complications.
Internal parasites.
Seen any fish with long stringy white poo.
Fish going thin or bloating up.
Enlarged or red inflamed anus.
Just want to rule out internal parasites in your tank thats all.
Seen any fish with long stringy white poo......
no, not yet - all poo seems fish food coloured
Fish going thin or bloating up......
no - other fish very active
Enlarged or red inflamed anus.....
no - I'm scard in case I see this though!!!

My tank now has 2 molly's (one male & one female as deceased molly was female), one plec, one platy, 3 clown loaches & one 4 day old Molly fry in breeder trap (deceased molly's baby!).
I'm terrified they fall ill as this molly's death was just too much to take - I could do nothing for her, she was afflicted so quickly & died within hours!
The other fish sound fine.
Just wanted to check you wasn't dealing with internal parasites.
Looking like she aborted to me.
Sorry bless her R.I.P.
Ye that sounds like bad eggs to me as well, before fertilisation the eggs are like bunches of grapes all attached together.

If it is that then at least you dont have to worry about your other fish, as the problem was only with her :(
I think you're all right! I'm going to take her into store today to try and get diagnosis - I miss her already!
The fact that all the other fish are fine & water quality is the best it's been ever leads me to believing it was just her... my poor little molly - it must have been awful for her!!!
Poor Molly prolapsed trying to give birth!! A post mortem was done today and she was full to bursting with fry!!
Apparently it was just one of those things & I couldn't have helped her... doesn't make me feel much better!!
My only consolation is her one surviving baby is thriving - I hope it continues to do so as it's even more precious to me now!!
Glad you found your answer bless her.
Good luck with the baby.

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