Just what we need, another pet


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
Well, my mom got this little guy tonight. He's 4 years old, hand tamed, loves to be loved and sings happy birthday and a few other things. My mom got him from a woman who needed to get rid of him because their dog keeps trying to kill him. So my mom wants to get him a hand tamed female even though she doesn't know if he's a he or a she....
But here he is!
P.s. His name is Bubba, lol.


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I agree. The males are the talkers. And with the type you have (a gray) the males get a yellow face with bright orange cheeks and the females have a greay face with dull orange cheeks.
its very easy to tell, females have "bars" on a light tail (bubba has a dark grey tail) and boys have bright cheek patches. Bubba is a likkle boy! Congrats on a beautiful healthy looking bird - even though I hate cockatiels with a passion after one at work bit me and dug its nasty little beak in (I work in a lps) but they obv. arent hand tamed!
Them same colourings can be seen in either sex, male or female in their native Australia.
The way of telling the sex of a cockatiel when they're younger is extremely hard to tell- sure, sometimes it happens that the colourings do come out like that, but it's not a true indicator of sex, it's much easier to tell when they get older, but even then some birds can still show colours that are typically thought of as the oposite sex
I agree Dragonscales. I've had so many birds its not even funny. Parakeets are sexually dimorphic (sp) but cockatiels are NOT. Love birds you can tell the difference by feeling them. There is only two surefire ways to tell whether a cockatiel is a boy or a girl. If it lays eggs its a girl, the other.... blood test from a vet... and those are expensive.
AmberC said:
I agree Dragonscales. I've had so many birds its not even funny. Parakeets are sexually dimorphic (sp) but cockatiels are NOT. Love birds you can tell the difference by feeling them. There is only two surefire ways to tell whether a cockatiel is a boy or a girl. If it lays eggs its a girl, the other.... blood test from a vet... and those are expensive.
Alot of people buy cockatiels thinking they have a male, only to have it lay eggs 5 or more years later, Amber's spot on the money with sexing them difinitively, telling by colouration is nothing but an old wive's tale

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