Neons Showing White Stuff On Mouth And Fins


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I have had my 300 litre tank since March and everything was going fine..........cycled all O'K but I spoke too soon over the weekend.

I have 3 out of 12 Neons showings signs of small white balls on fin, gils and on one Neon around the mouth leaving a small hole.

So far my other fish inlcuding loaches, catfish etc are not infected.
What do I do?
Is it effecting them in any other way ? Bloated, loss of appitite ?

Is it like grains of salt or are they more like ulcers ?

What is their poop like ?
Have not seen there poo at all but its more like large grains of salt !!!......AHHHHH :(Dont seem to have loss of appetite that I've noticed but one Neon looks like he has his mouth opened permanantly with the grains on either side and some small on gils and fin. 2 other have similar but smaller ones around mouth too.
Only just noticed it today and just started treament of ICHONEX AQUASONIC...........
Is their anything else I can or need to do?
Can you post a pic of the sick fish.
Are the balls fluffy in appearance, with one being on the fin jsus want to make sure it dosn't look like a cauliflower.
No nothing like Cauliflower...........would have made a photo but my old IXUS died last week.......
Have today ordered the new Sony T100....can't take a photo for approx fortnight.

Sorry :(
For now I would treat it as bacterial.
Whats your location.
Thsnks Wilder,
My location is about 60kms south of Melbourne along the Mornington Peninsula.

I've continueing to treat for White Spot and using a 3 day treatment as well as a broad spectrum tablets at half dosage since I'm already using the White Spot treatment.
Also did a 25% water change this afternoon and Vac to bottom.

Hope this is the right thing to do?
Ok bless them.
Keep us all updated.
Good luck.
O'K..........after 4 days of treatment, the same 3 Neons still have the same small white balls the size of pin heads.I've treated them as per my original post and although the size of the pins have not increased, they have not gone either.One Neon still has a small gaping hole where his mouth should be with pin heads on either side and middle of the side.I'll try and post photos now as I picked up my camera.In each case its the fish in the middle.......they are all photos of the same Neon........And another photoone moreNone of my Bristlenoses, Gurami or others seem affected (yet)......................ahhh should I take the bad one out and create a hospital of some sort?


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Looks like one of the neons has a white bleached out patch in the red stripe area is this correct.
Look for these signs.
Neon leaving shoal and looking restless.
Lumps that go to a point in the tummy region.
Black linning around the red.
Swimmng oddly.
Bloating up, popeye.
Bent spines.
Nope none of those symptoms.......the sick Neon is the one at 2 O'clock from the cream stone......he swims,eats etc........he was swimming a bit difficult a few days ago but now seems O'K although the white pins are there but slightly smaller.....(thank God)......

Is there anything else I can do and how long does it last?
The medication is as per my earlier post.
What a mess.
The fish with the gaping hole issolate him he not going to make it.
I would add some pimafix with the whitespot treatment.
After doing some photo searches on the net, I believe my 2 Neons are showing signs of Flexibacter columnaris which makes it look like Cotton mouth on one fish and one the body of the other.

For the rest, the other fish are not infected.

Please, what do I need to do apart from changing the treatment?? !!!

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