I Don't Recognize This Desease, What Is It?


Fish Crazy
May 18, 2007
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My fish, Fluffy, is sick. I'm thinking it might be fin rot, but I'm not sure. The ends of his fins are ragged and look like they're detererating, but not like I though fin rot looked like. He is also pale and doesn't eat much at all anymore. When he gets really hungry he'll nibble on a soggy pellet on the bottom of his tank, but other then that he just ignores food. He swims really slowley now and doesn't flare when he can see other fish. I'm really worried about him, what do I do? I have medication for ich and fin rot (which also cures many other things but I'm sure he doesn't have those). Do I need to go buy more medication?


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I've seen this a few times and it is most probably a Vit D deficiency
place him in the sun for a few hours a day or add a fish vitamin supplement to the water

all the betas I've seen with this have been 'cured' by the sunlight treatment

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