Well here are the pics I promised of my Jewel Trigon 350. Hope you all like them sorry bout the quality of pics camera quite old, only a 2 mega pixel !!!
some forum members may have a heart attack about that, but actually there's no reason why they cant flourish together, all x3 can live in hard water with a diet thats heavy in protein
Yup that is a Bala Shark and the Oscar is quite calm towards the other fish, the Little ( soon to be big I guess Malawi is quite lively though only had him just over a week.Anyway thanks for looking Yes a Blue Dolphin Malawi, he's fine the other fish are not bothered by him at all ( well not yet anyway)
Don't be offended, but why did you chose to post your pics in the Corydoras forum? Afraid of the big bad Africans and thought the little sweet Corys would be a flavorful dish?
You do have a handsome tank and some handsome fish. It is a strange mix. Something from all walks; a community that represents every curve of the Earth. We do hope you will resist the temptation to include any Corydoras, although a few Synos might do.