Si's Aquarium

Love the tank, very bright, vibrant and clean-looking :good: !
The pleco should heal up fine with some regular water changes and plenty of good food, they are suprisingly tough fish and your plecos tail should heal up within a couple of weeks even though its tail may look pretty tattered right now :good: .
Thanks for the reasurance. I bought that pleco as a tiny little thing for about two quid around about six years ago. I perform a water change about every four to five days. I reckon its about fifteen percent each time.

I couldn't have floating plants in there because the Juwel filter has inlets at the top as well as md way. The floating plants would crush against the filter and never had chance to grow.
I decided to put an airstone infront of the filter to keep the plants away from the inlet. Seems to be wrking so far :good:

Some nice compliments guy's, thank you.
19th Sept 07... Still not 100% happy wth it


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My two Torpedo's. Difficult to get a good picture so a fuzzy one will have to do for now.


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Yes, it is. Thanyou, I didn't know.I looked up that name in google and yes. I also have a Jarva fen and a Nana plant of some sort. An a few floating water letuce thingies
ahhh the Anubias nana your tall thin leaved plant looks like Echinodorus quadricostatus or a amazon Sword ....... this plant and the Cabomba caroliniana are central american plants so you have a slight central american theme. I have a central american planted tank once I get some pic's organised i'll post them.
I got rid of the Amazon sword's they were falling to bits. If you look at the first image on page 3 of this thrad, that was my tank just yeaterday.
I've only the three types of plant now.
Thanks for your feedback :good:
I sent some money today. I got a smaller ar pump so as I don't swirl my floatng plants too much. Bought some bog wood and got a gold nugget pleco :hyper:



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