Betta Pics

Very nice Bettas.
10?! Wow, I thought having 5 was a lot! LOL they're all lovely! :wub:

Aww, thanks so much! And they are a bit of a handfull sometimes, but my life is devoted to fish now so I don't know how I would even get along again without all of them. Lol, I swear, they eat more peas and cucumbers then I do! And of course they eat more mosquito larve, lol! They love those things so much! They go crazy! Not to mention it's good for them.
Anyway, yes, 10 is allot, but it's so much fun and I love them all!
I think I got 14 bettas. I did have 17 a little while ago. Its OK apart from when I am trying to clean them out. I sort of do them on a rota basis!
he's camera shy, so best i could do.


I think I got 14 bettas. I did have 17 a little while ago. Its OK apart from when I am trying to clean them out. I sort of do them on a rota basis!

I hear you there i have to rotate i have 13 males and it takes time doing them all but i love each and every one
LOL yeah; I love Bettas ;)
Hopefully I'll have more & more as the years go by! I'm only almost 16 now, so I'm sure I'll have a lot more years=more Bettas! My parents told me 5 is the limit...but then again, when I had 4 they said that was the limit! Hehe! :p
Yeah, I love mine; I'd never trade them for the world! They're so fun & easy to take care of, too! ;)

Wow, he's super cute, even if he's camera-shy! I love his face in the last pic; looks soo cute! :wub:
Nice piccies everyone!
Gosh I need to charge up my posh camera don't I!
My pics aren't very clear, but I wanted to join in.

This is my first Betta Ernie:


And this one is my second Betta Sebastian:


I haven't taken a half decent pic of my third Betta yet. All going well, I'm getting my first half moon on Friday, I'm really excited. Hopefully I'll have a couple more pics to show you soon.

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