

Fish Addict
Aug 2, 2007
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Scotland, Nr Glasgow
Well, I had a nice home set up for one of the fish coming from Kev's shipment, and was dying to get one.

But, had to go with the boyfriend into Glasgow and went to this LFS in town. Now, there's two in the same place - one of which is horrid so don't buy from it. The other one is a bit :sick: in some of the tanks, but we bought fish from there and they are the picture of health. The guy is alright to talk to as well, and does all his own stock. While peering in awe at the kissing gourami's "kissing" the water, my eye got caught by a riot going on in the female betta tank - quite obviously a young PK male chasing about all the females. All the females looked pretty distressed. So, I said to the guy about it expecting him to move him into the barracks.
"Oh, a young male is it! Ah well, they girls will be happy then eh?"

He leaves them be.

Needless to say, I bought him[for the price of a female might I add]. Bye bye imported betta :angry:
I'm quite pleased though, the boy has come out a gorgeous shimmering blue in my tank - need to see how he grows!
Will get some pics up later on today. As for another tank, I'd need to figure out where space is :unsure:
My thoughts were, K.G betta's stock will go to good homes, this guy will either beat up the females/get beaten up or taken by someone still thinking its female and previous endings will come into play again. He's a young lil boy, so will show when I get time!

New guy!
both the male pk ive bought were bought as females. one i knew fine well was a male, but id rather have payed the price of a girl so didnt let on. the other i thought was a female. she didt get on with the other girls in the sosority and was constantly hidding, so i had her in her own tank for a while and she looked just like any other pk girl. then i needed the tank she was in for a hospital tank so i had nothing else to do but chuck her into the sorority which had at the time a young fish i bred earlier in the year in there and wast sure of its sex. i went off for a shower and came back to find the "girl" and the unsexed youngster in full colour fule flare circling each other! had to rather quickly whip out a breeding trap, no harm done to either fish tho!
Hmm, yeah I had to do a quick test within the sorority for both this blue one and a different HM female who was acting rather bolshy - not only were these two in full flare, but another "female" was as well. So, both PK "females" I purchased from Dobbies are male. One of which, is very small and young looking. Need to get rid of him!
He's a pretty boy. I never used to like PK's but now the more i see them the more i like them. You''l have to let us know what you call him
Yer i have 2 PK's now was going to rehome them both but once they started to show off they took my heart and i am now thinking about spawning a pair. Oh dear! good luck any way i hope you get your males sorted out. Its a shame that the LFS are not taught to tell the difference just think how many other males have gone together to people who have no idea and ended up fighting to the death :(
Hmm, yeah I had to do a quick test within the sorority for both this blue one and a different HM female who was acting rather bolshy - not only were these two in full flare, but another "female" was as well. So, both PK "females" I purchased from Dobbies are male. One of which, is very small and young looking. Need to get rid of him!

what colour are they? i may be of help in you getting shot of one....
He's very pretty! Again, not a massive fan of PK's which is downright shallow of me because admittedly it's only because they don't have large finnage etc. but I think as time went on and I got the other tail types out of my system, I could be sorely tempted to one like that, he really is beautiful!

This is the first one's colouring, can try to get a flare pic if you wanted. The other younger one is looking as if he's developing the same, but he hasn't coloured up properly yet so I assume he's quite a bit younger.

This is the first one's colouring, can try to get a flare pic if you wanted. The other younger one is looking as if he's developing the same, but he hasn't coloured up properly yet so I assume he's quite a bit younger.
hmm..... seing alot of these pk males in pet shops at the moment. and always in the female tanks. unfortunately i dont have room for another male of that colour, ive just moved two almost identical to that on to new homes :rolleyes: had he been a more colourful chappy id have been happy to take him.
father and son...the two i have recently moved on


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Yeah, they are quite common now I believe. I do have the new blue rescue, but don't really wanna give him up at the moment.

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