What Is This?

mbu man

Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2005
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H, i purchased a new piece of rock today and attached to it is this strange stumpy looking thing which resembles an anenomi . Can anyone tell me what it is and whether it likes a strong current or a more gentle spot in the tank. Will it develop tenticles or stay as it is?

Many thnaks


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any idea what its called? and what i can expect it to grow?
what do they feed on?
what is the best way of feeding them?
ive got the strong lighting, got 4 4foot t5`s. so do u just lay the food on them or chop it up and put it in pipette and drop it close to the top of them?
i wouldnt feed or anything until you know exactly what it is.
seams to be a pink tipped candy, but mine is so small that it dont have tenticles at the moment.
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
so,what does anyone reckon?
Well, it appears to have a mouth, tentacles, and a soft body so chances are it's a nem of some kind. you can't really feed it until it starts stretching its tentacles and looking healthier than it does now...
Well, it appears to have a mouth, tentacles, and a soft body so chances are it's a nem of some kind. you can't really feed it until it starts stretching its tentacles and looking healthier than it does now...
thats how it looked in the shop aswell. does it need alot of direct current on it?
Huh, wierd. Is it soft to the touch? I'd start with moderate flow and high lighting.
looks soft to the touch,im not going to touch it.
how lomg will or should it take for it to spread its tenticles?
what sort of size is it im guessin about an inch? im still unsure about what type of anemone but id stick as close to your lights as you can. how long has your tank been setup? nice hitch hiker though good luck with it!
its about an inch yes. tank been set up for about 6 weeks now.
tenticles havent seamed to grow much as of yet, should they?

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