Chris' 80 Gal


New Member
Aug 5, 2007
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Hello all!

This tank is about 2 months in now with mostly fast growing stem plants, Rotala rotundifolia, cabomba carolinia and bacopa something. There is also a val on the right, a very fast growing tiger lily and java fern, java fern lace, and java moss, water wisteria as well as Hornswort everywhere. Eventually the hornswort will be only free floating on the top. It's a lot of maintanence having it tied on to the decor, it grows like crazy and I keep ripping it out. It does serve the purpose of keeping the algae down for now, until the other plants grow some more.

The fish include 6 australlian rainbowfish, 2 dwarf rainbowfish, 6 bloodfin tetras, and 4 black skirts. The rainbowfish are a lot of fun to watch eating, they almost jump right out of the tank!!

I have a penguin 350 for filtration, with the outfeed modified to keep surface agitation down. I am using DIY CO2 and managing to keep it at about 25 ppm.This consists of 2 2 litre pop bottles fed into a DIY reactor in the tank. (I want to go pressurized but have to save some more pennies!!!) Light is a 4 tube T5 HO fixture giving 2.75 WPG.

I'm fertilizing with seachem flourish for trace and will start EI soon as my nitrate readings are now showing 0. The plants don't seem to be suffering or showing any deficiencies at the moment.

The substrate is a mix of peat moss and sand, covered with black gravel.

Here's the pics
Full tank

Left side

Right side

Some fish shots




Any comments/ criticisms are more than welcome!!!

PS thank you to all of you out there that offer advice on this forum!!! There are some beatiful tanks out there that you are running and your experiences are a great inspiration and a huge help to all of us newbies!

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