Fin Rot Or Fin Nipping?

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May 22, 2007
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I am not sure if my betta is nipping his own tail or if he has a case of fin rot. I just noticed today that his dorsal fin is looking a bit shredded. There is also one piece of the fin hanging off but all the rest of his fins are fine.
I recently changed his tank and I don't think he liked it, so he might have been stressed. His tank water is changed regularly, every two to three days and treated with dechlorinator. His personality doesn't seem to be suffering and he's still active, not really showing any other symptoms.
Since I don't know what it is yet, I'm just treating with salt and I put him back in his original tank. I also cleaned his rocks and plant really well with hot water before I put them back into the new tank.
I was hoping for suggestions because I don't want to treat him for something he doesn't have and cause more damage.
I took some pictures but I won't be able to put them up until later.


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If you have already given him a salt bath I wouldn't treat with anything else just yet. Keep a close eye on it tho. If it is rot you should notice some reddening or black edges. If it continues to deteriorate without either of those signs I would treat for fungus/finrot anyway. Even if it is him causing the damage, it's better to be safe then sorry. If he is biting it himself it can become a really nasty habit. Had a boy used to chew his tail so much all his butterfly markings disappeared. :sad:
Well it's happening to his tail now too. Over night the tail now looks like the dorsal fin. His tail is red, so I can't tell for sure if there is any extra redness, but there is for sure no blackness. I did notice however that the very tips of his tail became slightly transparent, when normally they would be blue.
I’m pretty sure he’s got fin rot now, I just want to stop it, as fast as it seems to be spreading. It's horrible and I'm starting to feel panicked. The woman at my local pet store said, "it will cost you more to buy all this stuff then to replace the fish." And while she was right, it was still sad to hear.
Hopefully you have caught it in time and you are looking for what is the best thing you can do for your fish
nice and heartless thing for the woman at the lfs to say !
Hope he gets better soon

Well, I'm treating him with BettaFix Remedy.
I was wondering though if I should still be using salt while I'm doing this treatment?
It says on the bottle to treat for 7 days before doing another water change. I cleaned and started fresh of course. I washed and put his plant back in, but I removed his rocks. He has some marbles at the bottom if he wants to rest, but I didn't want any extra things in there that he could rub on or that could be housing bacteria.
Guess now I’ll be playing the waiting game.
Whilst bettafix is ok I'd be treating with something stronger right now. The fact that it has spread quickly means it needs a good dose of a specialised med for finrot.
As for the shop lady well! :angry: Shows how much she gives a damn about the fish. It's not about the cost of the meds to save their life that matters. It's the fact that we all care enough to treat them at all.
Salt baths are good for finrot. Not in his own water but short dips in a fairly strong mix will help. Last fish I treated was my LDA33 and it stopped his dead. He got it from jumping onto the glass lid inside the tank. Nearly killed himself. :rolleyes:
I looked but there wasn’t anything more powerful at my local pet store and I don’t really have another close by.
Plus Mr.President seems pretty stressed, being lounged at the bottom of his bowl more often, or in his plant and his body got fairly pale and striped during this most recent water change. His color came back but he usually handles water changes well so it’s nerve wrecking.
I think at least for the first 7 days I’m going to have to play the wait and see game with the Betta Fix. I’d feel weird going back to my local pet store anyway, being that they are fish haters…

Thanks for helping and talking me through this...

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