No Idea What Is Growing In My Tank


New Member
May 16, 2007
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Can anyone tell me what is growing on some of the roots of my grass? Its the brown and slimy looking stuff that is around the bottom of the grass. Is this harmful? Can I treat it or should I just pull the grass out?

Well...I seem to have found the cause of what is "growing" in my tank. I just did a water change and gave the roots a closer inspection. It seems that the cause was stupidity. Thats right, I'm an idiot.

All that it was is the spongy material that the grass came rooted too. When I got it I buried it under the gravel, and it had apparently become un-buried. :blush:
:lol: glad you figured it out..... and glad no alien life forms are invading your tank.....
....and congratulations on admitting your error :thumbs: Nice to see the odd "real" person on the forums ! LOL

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