OK, at first I thought it was leaches, and it started out furry so I thought it was some kind of fungus.
Tank size: 350g
tank temp: constant 79f
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Spread quickly over 2 days, the holes appear to be white, with a redish center possibly from parasite, started out with a fungus patch, trouble swimming, barbels turn white and erode away, slight fin rot. down lateral line, below fins, on stomach and head.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 20% water change evry other day
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Aquasafe
Tank inhabitants: 1 32" Silver arowana, 1 10" senegal bichir, 1 13" ornate bichir, 2 9" clown loaches, 1 15" asian upside down catfish, 1 28" redtailed giant gourami, 2 15" peocock bass
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Black river stones from petco, i thoroughly washed them before placing them in my tank.
Exposure to chemicals: Melafix, malachite green, copper, and a lot of other medications.....all medicines ive tried havent worked.
Does this help? He is still eating and swimming.