Heres a few shots (i havent got the photography thing all smothed out yet! so bit blury)
Anyway weve got 4 Cherry Barbs (2 M, 2F)
1 clelebes rainbow
2 zebra danios
6 cardinal tetras
One Bristlenose catfish (recon hes a he- but not sure)
and one siamese fighter
What other plants do u think might go?
Any oppinions on my stocking? over/under?
Anyway weve got 4 Cherry Barbs (2 M, 2F)
1 clelebes rainbow
2 zebra danios
6 cardinal tetras
One Bristlenose catfish (recon hes a he- but not sure)
and one siamese fighter
What other plants do u think might go?
Any oppinions on my stocking? over/under?