Our Newest Additions - Updated Photos July 3!


Oct 20, 2005
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So on Saturday my mom, boyfriend and I drove over to pick up the pups. They are siblings of Lola's (but from a second litter). I was reallllly nervous to see them at first, but I am quite glad, the two that we got (a male and female) look nothing like Lola. There was one pup in the litter that looked like her. So, we have them now, we named the girl Madison (Maddie) and the boy my father named Spike lol.

So here are the photos!



We were throwing one of their toys for them, it bounced off Spike's head and Maddie was trying to catch it. A nice action shot!


Nap time!

Maddie sleeping under the kitchen table
Spike sleeping under the kitchen table

Maddie wiped out

Maddie posing pretty

So those are the new additions to my family :D
oh they're both adorable!

I nominate the nap time pic of both of them for POTM because I can't choose between them!!
Aww, they are absolutely adorable! I bet you've fallen in love with them already =)
I don't know why, but with a name like spike, he just *needs* a black collar with shiny silver (rounded point) spikes on it. Even if just for a photo shoot :p

They are both gorgeous though, hope you'll have a great time with them.
Spike looks like an old man with a puppy face! (Cuz of the greyish muzzle lol) they are SO adorable, I get so jealous when I see people with puppies, I know my time will come, I just have to wait for the right time! So cute!
Thanks everyone, yes i am very much in love with them. They are 8 weeks old today and very very loveable. :D
Awww, they are cute!!! Grats on the new additions!! What is their lineage again?
The father is pure golden retreiver (he was HUUUGE!) and the mother is german shepherd and greyhound
Aaaw, congrats. They are gorgeous. I hope you are going to keep us updated with plenty pics of those two gorgeous puppies growth. Looks like you'll have your hands full.

Great pics, beautiful puppies.

I most certainly will :D I have so many pictures already and i am going to take many many more. The picture of them sleeping under the bush i have decided to get blown up and framed for my mother. I think she will like that :)
i third the nomination of them sleeping together. such cute pups :wub:
Awww, Maddie and Spike are great looking pups. Spike does look like an old man. My Max has the same air, he's got grey too. Congratulations. Get ready for trouble. :lol: and prepare to like the look of chewed wood and shoes. :lol:
They haven't actually so far shown an interest in wood. Maddie attempted to cart off one of my shoes, but that's about it. I know Lola used to rip off huge branches from our cedar trees and run around the back yard with them lol.

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