First Case Of Finrot, Suggest A Cure?


New Member
May 27, 2007
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Texas USA
This is the first case of finrot ive ever had and Ive been doing freshwater aquariums for about a year now. I usually never run into anything because I keep my tank very clean.
Ive tried reading up on finrot a little bit and it seems some people stay away from the Melafix. Well I went to the petstore today to see what they had and this is all they had for finrot. The guy there said it was okay, but I stopped beleiving them a long time ago :shout: . So my question is....what would you suggest?
I want to try and catch it before it spreads and/or gets worse.

Thanks in advance for those that help!!!

Tank size: 10 gallon (37-38 liters)
pH: 6.8
tank temp: 80 F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Pelvic fin and caudal fins have lost their 'bright' orange coloring. (this is a tiger barb by the way). and only the top half of the caudal has lost about 3mm of its length. Im not sure how much length is lost on the pelvic fins because he seems to keep them layed down toward his side. But they definately look shorter.

I did some reading and just to help out those who might ask, there is no paleness of the fish except for fin areas. But he is very quietly sitting in the top corner most of all day and has not eaten in three days.

In the time I watch them, ive ruled out the fins being nipped at by others, the other fish leave him alone.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: A 25-50% bi-weekly.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Tap water dechlorinator and water conditioner (both top fin brand)

Tank inhabitants: 2 mollies, 2 adult barbs (one of which is the sick), 3 baby barbs (bought, not beared)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 3 baby barbs

Exposure to chemicals: None

Digital photo (include if possible): Sorry about pic quality, all I have is the camera on my phone, i tried to get him the best I could

See if you fish store has Maracyn. This you can use together to treat Fin and tail rot. The product is made by Mardel.

Also may I suggest you switch water conditioners to Aquasafe brand. As some of the top fin products have been found not to be the best functional products around. Aquasafe may be a little bit more in price however, it is worth it.
okay went and got some maracyn this morning.

and yes I have heard the same thing about top fin, i was trying to use the last of the bottle, i have aquasafe as well.

thanks for the quick reply! much appreciated
new report....

im now 4 days into the 5 day recover period. (i had to get my hospital tank set back up)

he did very well through two days, the fins were regrowing and he got alot of his energy back, his orange color was coming back slowly as well, still has not eaten though.
At the end of the 3rd day, he was making it obvious he does not want to be in the hospital tank, swimming fast and ramming into the side of the tank (never seen this) and attempts at jumping out. He only does it when I approach the tank, so of course I stopped watching him cause I didnt want him to hurt himself.

Well becasue of the stunts hes pulling (im assuming) he has torn all the growth his fins were having and they are now back to square one(in size).

He is acting more normally aside from the uncomfortableness hes showing in the hospital tank, but still hasnt eaten a bite. its been a good week and a half now since hes eaten.

Im thinking im just going to finish the treatment (there is one more day) and just put him back in the community tank.

Is this the correct thing to do?
Will his fins keep growing now the treatment has been done or am I supposed to see a sparkling difference before I release him back to the community?

...any help is appreciated
Yes he will be fine as long as you treated him for the full dose of recommended days. His problem of fin rot should be gone. And you will be able to add him back into the community tank. His fins will finish re-growing in the main tank as long as the tank is kept clean and healthy, which it sounds like you do. All the medication does is stop him from having that disease, it may take him a bit to re-cover but his fins should grow back quickly! :nod:
What size hospital tank do you have?

Glad to hear everything has gone well! :good:
okay awesome, thats what I thought but id figured id ask before I acted.

hospital tank is another 10 gallon, although it does not have a heater. i woudlnt imagine him being that uncomfortable in there, it stays at a good 76-77 F.

thanks again for your help!

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