Bloated Neon Tetra

fish friends

New Member
Jun 2, 2007
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I have a Neon Tetra that has been bloated for at least a couple weeks. She seems to be healthy otherwise. She swims with the rest of her kind and is eating just fine. I am attaching a photo. Please help. :shout:


  • bloated.JPG
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Wow that fish is bloated.
Epson salt bath to help draw the fluids out, but not looking good.
Neon tetra should be red white and blue.
What do you feed the fish.
Need some frozen daphnia and shelled peas.
Is the vent red and inflamed.
Wow that fish is bloated.
Epson salt bath to help draw the fluids out, but not looking good.
Neon tetra should be red white and blue.
What do you feed the fish.
Need some frozen daphnia and shelled peas.
Is the vent red and inflamed.

It's actually a Black Tetra. No inflamed vent. What perportions of salt to water?
I havent seen a fish bloated that big for ages.
Veg and frozen foods in there diet.

If you havent seen the fish go to the toilet for a while sorry it organ failure.
Wow, i'm suprised the poor little mite is still alive.
Good luck.
Fingers crossed as that one bloated up fish.
Holy crap dude! That is insane! I would say if he isn't "unbloated" in 3 days I would open the clove oil.
WOW! I've never seen a fish bloated as big as that!!!
That is incredible.

Could it be a tumour? This is just speculation on my part - but OMG! I would have thought if that was the regular type of bloating caused by constipation or something that fish would not be alive being that big! It looks like you'd touch it and it'd explode...


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