Male Or Female?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2007
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
ive had this platy for over a month now and i believe its a female but could be a male i cant decide
heres what the anal fin looks like (lilfishie i hope you dont mind me stealing your pic, if you do leme know and i'll remove it)

here is the original pic by lilfishie

as you can see the anal fin on my platy is pointed but pointing down instead of pointing back like it does on a male
i believe the platy is fully grown as its about 1.75in
i'd say male also, lilfishie your art is famous :)
it would be if it was mine, i borrowed it from the platy profile on here. will have to go make my own
Its definately a male livebearer if its 6months or older, but are you sure its a platy? There are some rarer livebearers that i can think of which look kinda similar to platys but their gonopodium sticks downwards more than what is usual in male platys. If you can get pics that would help a great deal :thumbs: .
i'll have to get a hold of a better camera

o and i dont think its plagarism if you include the original pic but idk
i could have drawn a pic myself but it was getting late so i decided not to

im 99.9% sure its a platy, because it looks just like my other platy which is definately a female
looks like a male, do you have any pics of him?
depending on its colour, if tis a female you might be able to see a gravid spot which is the red part on my own lil drawing
yer it sounds like a male but you want to make sure that the fish have a gravid spot if so a female, you could also see the size of the female.

if you are able to get a pick it will be much easier to examine :)

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