Is She Pregnant


Fish Crazy
Mar 2, 2005
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Somerset UK
ok heres a pic, can someone just verify whether or not she is pregnant, and how far she is gone too!!


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yes she is, her graid isnt that dark but her shape at the bottom suggests so, slight swelling thats typical, shes about half way thru gestation, depending on if its her fist drop or not, if it is she can stay smallish for a while and drop without you knowing, if shes had fry before then defo about 2-3 weeks to go
well ive had her for maybe a month with no males in my tank, can she still be pregnant? i've heard bout them holding sperm etc but for how long does this hold true?
think they have to use it a soon as they've given birth, so theres a contiueous cycle for upto 7 months
As the females is nearing the end of the pregnancy she then starts to produce eggs for the next batch, but if their having a lack of food or other problems she can stop the production of eggs and wait until thing's are better for her to breed.

And as for your female in the pic I fell that she's a long way away from producing fry, while she may be showing a gravid spot this is not a sure sigh of being pregnant, if she not getting fatter with in the next 10-14 days then sadly you may be having to wait a little while, so feed the best food u can get, and feed some live foods as often as u can.

Good luck.
when she's ready to go, you'll know she will swell like a balloon!! lol they also get kinda square-like when they're about to give birth. good luck!
I have to agree with everyone else, that she "looks" pregnant, but as for how far along, that's a bit of a "how long is a piece of string" type question. My guppy had fry about three weeks ago and is "technically" due again on Monday, but she's not fat, has never been fat, but she does have a dark gravid spot like yours.

As for how long they can go between pregnancies, that's really up to the fish! I had one of my female molly's for nearly 5 months before she finally decided to have fry!

Make sure your water quality is A1, do extra water changes, maybe do one mid-week, and feed the best quality food you can afford, along with live/frozen foods and vegetables.

Really all you can do is wait, frustrating I know, drove me nuts until my first female had her fry.

And they're small too, around 3 - 4mm, sort of transparent with a huge set of eyeballs,which means you may not see them at first either! They are as quick as a flash and very good at hiding!

Good luck, it's the best feeling finding your first batch of fry :)

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