Got Qs About Albino Bristknose Pleco


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2007
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United States
got bristle albino bristlenose pleco. will he be fine in my malawi tank he has enough algea to eat and i have wafers that i feed him hes shy but at night active and i got him like 2months ago while my other 2 died a few days later (i think they were sick, tried to nurse them back to health) 1 lived so im gonna get more should i?

PS: red arrow in oicture shows his hide out.
oh ya also it 55 gallon tank with 10 african cichlids with 2 60 gallong filters that rune smoothly


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I have heard of people keeping Plecos with Malawi Cichlids and having no problems.
I haven't tried it myself so not 100% sure but hopefully someone else may be able to help you.
Don't worry, sometimes it can take a while to get an answer depending who is on the forum.
I'll see if I can find any posts similar to yours that may help answer your question. ;)
I did post a lengthy answer yesterday, but my internet connection went on a go slow and it wouldn't go through. Now my internet is back to normal, but I'm not inclined to type it all out again, even less so when someone is going "Why isn't anyone answering meeee!!!" and even starting new threads.

People aren't answering you because they either dont know the answer or are busy. It may take time for a reply. Dont have a tantrum - it puts people off.

And on that note - over and out.

Ps. Just for the same of helping - personally I wouldn't keep plecs in with Malawis, as plecs prefer acidic water, and wouldn't be as happy/healthy in alkaline. Synos make great Malawi catfish.
I did post a lengthy answer yesterday, but my internet connection went on a go slow and it wouldn't go through. Now my internet is back to normal, but I'm not inclined to type it all out again, even less so when someone is going "Why isn't anyone answering meeee!!!" and even starting new threads.

And the other thing to remember is that the majority of people on this board are from the UK - that's not to say we're rude to American friends... it's just that most of us were probably asleep wehn you posted your questions

I'm no expert on this but i agree with Lisa - my brother keeps a couple of synos successfully with his cichlids
Personally I don't see a problem. I have very hard and alkaline water naturally, and I am raising batch after batch of healthy bristlenose fry; my personal feeling is that unlike a lot of plecs, they really aren't that fussed. My water comes out of the tap similar to what you would expect to find in a Malawi tank, sticking some Malawis in the tank wouldn't alter the water, so the only other issue would be aggression and bristlenoses are quite tough. But if you want more like a natural biotope- then synos are evidently the way to go.
i have a mbuna setup with red zebras yellow labs and electric blues and because im abit plec obsessed i couldnt resist! i have 3 normal bristlenoses in my tank there crazy always out and about and very active i got these because i was told they wud withstand the aggression but also i have a snowball plec and large royal plec ( hes sexy ) it was a risk putting them in but i love em so no question! luckily there fine and they are alo always out and about with no problems!
My point was there's a difference between being "fine", "ok" or surviving and being in the best conditions and thriving. Yes some plecs will make do in alkaline waters, but it's not ideal for them - and I think it's our duty to provide the right conditions and let them thrive.

Of course hardy plecs may survive in different conditions, but that doesn't mean it's the best thing for them.

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