Here are a couple of pics of my newest wild caught Neolamprologus savoryi....they act like little pigs! Wild boar like movements and behaviour...heh heh...I have also already noticed that the female is the one who induces spawning unlike other breeds of cichlid, she does the "dance" for the male...yes
Both females have dug out their own little 'bedrooms" and try to lure the male into's pretty cute...especially when both are "dancing" for him at the same time....the females flare at each other and then go hide....too funny. I love these little guys! Porkchop, Bacon and Drumstick......(drumstick is not my doing btw)
I have 4 of them, but apparently the other one I have is not and will not do well in the group, so the store-owner says....that one is unnamed as of yet
Here is the male....
Both females have dug out their own little 'bedrooms" and try to lure the male into's pretty cute...especially when both are "dancing" for him at the same time....the females flare at each other and then go hide....too funny. I love these little guys! Porkchop, Bacon and Drumstick......(drumstick is not my doing btw)
I have 4 of them, but apparently the other one I have is not and will not do well in the group, so the store-owner says....that one is unnamed as of yet
Here is the male....