My New Bettas!

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Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Well I picked up a new Crowntail and a Round Tail female :D
She won't pose for me so I'll leave her picture later :p


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I wondered also :p it said "RTF Round Tail Female" on her cup. You'll see when she decides to strut her stuff :p
and thanks, got him for $5.99 at the lfs :D she was $7.99

EDIT got her ^_^


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nice fish!!!!!!
she got the most amazing deep plum colour to her. wow never seen that before
Awwww! thanks :D She's really awesome, very friendly and just loves being with my community. When I feed mu pleco algae waffers she trys to steal them from him and carry them off xD

Oh and sorry for the dirty glass on his tank, I need to clean that o_O
And she's named Cleopatra and he's Anubis :D
Shes absolutly stunning!! And hes gorgeous as well! The female is definatly not a vt, its hard to tell from the pic but her caudal edges are too straight to be a vt, probably a delta or super delta.
beautiful bettas! she doesn't look like a vt female- she looks like my Celes... who i think we guessed is a SD? (i think so anyways)

is she in a community tank? how does she do with that?
beautiful bettas! she doesn't look like a vt female- she looks like my Celes... who i think we guessed is a SD? (i think so anyways)

is she in a community tank? how does she do with that?
Yes she is with 6 guppys 2 mollies, 3 swordtails a pleco and a few black phantom tetras. She seems really happy and dances all about my 30gallin :D she's really funny and loves to twirl around.

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