I second the overstocked opinion, angels are tall fish, and need a taller tank than a 10 gallon. You need at least a 20 high for one angel, you could keep some of the guppys in there, certainly not 40. Depending on what the shark actually is, it may be ok, but more than likely not.
Dropsy & popeye are symptoms of an internal bacterial infection. This was probably broght on by overstocking, resulting in poor water conditions. Best thing to do would be to get a pic of the shark for a positive id, and get a larger tank for the angel. You could use the 10 gallon as a temporary hospital tank for medicating the fish. I would start with Maracyn & Maracyn II, as I'm guessing you are in the eastern US or Canada. These meds can be found at any decent lfs. I would also use epsom salt aling with the antibiotics, start with one teaspoon per 10 gallons, increase by a teaspoon per 10 gallons for a couple of days to bring it up to three teaspoons per 10 gallons.
Dropsy is a tough one, the cure rate is around 50%.