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Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hi guys. Just wanted to share a couple pics of my new Betta. I started calling him Moby Dick (Moby), then extended it to a more "elegant" Richard. However it turns out he's shy :rolleyes: As soon as you walk into the room he runs and hides behind something and peeks at you. I can sneak to the doorway and watch him toolin' around, but as soon as he sees me......ZOOM, off he goes. So, he has been officially named "Spooky".

Getting used to the new place. He couldn't even spread his fins in that little cup :grr: BUT he had a bubblenest started anyway :)


  • 04_01_24_BettaCup.jpg
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Well......actually he's white :fun: But, Thanks :D For some reason the light turns him pink. He has Burgandy and Navy Blue marks on his fins and when he flares his gills it's all Navy Blue :wub:

I need to get him under a different light to show his true colors... :/
Just got myself 3 catfish, they've already started on the blanket of algae that covers everything in my tank at the moment. I went in the lfs for some cories but the only ones they had would grow far too big for my tank (100cm X 40cm X 50cm). I understand that bristlenose catfish will grow about 5 inches long, at the moment they are an inch at most.

Does anyone know how quickly they grow and how long they live for?

They seem to be gorging on the algae at the moment but I got a tub of catfish pellets to feed them too. The only problem is that the pellets are as big as their heads so when confronted with them they didn't seem able to eat them.

Is algae enough for them for the time being? I've got flake food too, would you suggest leaving some on the bottom for them to find?
That's what I thought. I asked what cories they had and he showed me 3 plecs, which do get quite large. Dispite his youth, I assumed he understood the question but that perhaps that's all the shop had. He then showed me their large numbers of bristlenose and flying fox. I got three. I've read that bristlenose can be a little territorial with their own kind, is this a problem?
Any ideas on how long they live for and how quickly they grow to their mature size?
Tenko said:
Any ideas on how long they live for and how quickly they grow to their mature size?
They can live a long time, and how fast they grow depends on how much food they get, how clean the water is, etc.... I wouldn't worry too much about it, the bristlenose will tell you when he is too big for the tank by tearing stuff up and acting like he doesn't "fit" will also know by your ammonia readings since he will be wasting more since he will be bigger...hope this helps...... :nod:

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