Oh My Good God!


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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one of my guppy females has been giving birth today when she poped out a conjoined twin fry ive got pic so you have to belive me. what should i do with it? will it survive or more than likly die?
sorry about the way the pic has been taken only way i could get a sorta clear one


  • conjoined_twins_4.JPG
    42.1 KB · Views: 42
one of my guppy females has been giving birth today when she poped out a conjoined twin fry ive got pic so you have to belive me. what should i do with it? will it survive or more than likly die?
sorry about the way the pic has been taken only way i could get a sorta clear one
well ive never seen that before, fasinating,
i suppose it is like when identical twins share the same placenta, i might be wrong but they could both be just feeding off the remains of the same joke and could seperate when done but it looks like there is a fine line determing that there is two yolks.
by the look of them they only look a few minutes old there?
thats amazing.

Fish48 had one of them a few years back, one grow as normal but the other hardly grew.

Their are few pics so i would recommend that you copyright the photo befor it pop's up all over the place.

Very strang to see though and keep us updated to what happens
Wow! Just wow! Thanks for posting the pic--I've never seen conjoined fry before. :)

I agree about the copyright. I would also suggest putting an invisible copyright on it, in addition to the visible one. In the digitized art world there's a whole lot of trouble with people actually removing visible copyrights from images in order to pass things off as their own. If you've got Photoshop then it takes less than 5 minutes, and you end up with a copyright that can't be seen unless you highlight the image in a browser. People don't see it, and few will even think to look for it, but it can always be proved that the image is yours.
Oh wow that's amazing! You should name it Lefty and Righty! :p If you look very closely at the yolk sac, you can see a very faint line running down the middle. It might be a conjoined yolk sac.
i myself cant see a join lol all i cant see is bloody vessles from each fry joining the one egg yolk
Wow.. that's pretty neat! I hope the lil fry survive!
Keep us updated on their condition!
this morning both white and dead :-( gutted but i always had it in the back of my mind they would survive its not normal for them.
Leanne if you give me something more personal such as a permanant email addy I will put it on for you.

Save this photo to your pc and then put them on a disc for safe keeping if you can

thanks very much omen666 ihave saved the pic hopefully no one will nice it without permission lol

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