Little Platty Injured :(


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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I have 2 plattys and 2 silver mollys. One of the plattys is quite small in comparison to the other. I have just noticed that my smaller platty was laying at the bottom of the tank. I could see from the reflection that it looked as if he'd been bitten. It is a small area on his side thats white, with a bit of red around it. I have got him out just incase. Please help. I don't know what it is. Ive also just seen babies in the tank. Could that be the problem?? Ive attached a picture.


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it looks like fungus to me, you can treat this ,
or if it looks worse for you than this pic maybe consider putting it to sleep.
Sorry for your loss. The redness around the edges leads me to believe it's not fungus but an injury. I know the fish has already died, but is it possible an ornament or rock may have fallen onto the fish? I had a fish dig in between the sand and have one of the rocks slide onto her, leaving a similar looking wound. It may be worth rearranging your decorations to remove future mishaps.
Sorry that you lost the fish, but do a water change just incase it's a ammonia or nitrite problem.

With out a better pix we'll never know propley, but it could be an ulcer, and this could be caused by a ammonia or nitrite problem. Then if it was that it could affect your other fish.

Do u test your water or do water changes?

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