Whats Is This?


New Member
Mar 14, 2007
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What is this and how do i treat it? I have 2 black neon tetras right now and tried to add two more last week but the two new ones seemed to be sick from the LFS (guess i should pay more attention when im buying). I noticed the next morning one of the new ones had a fluffy white substance on it and both the new tetras died that day. The original tetras are still alive however its been almost a week since the other tetras died and now i noticed i have that fluffy stuff growing on a piece of driftwood i have in the tank. What is it and how do i get rid of it?




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Is it where you can remove it? If so, I would take it out, clean it, boil it, let it cool, then put it back. That is the one sure way to kill it without knowing for sure what it is. That is what I did with mine. There may be an easier way. I just don't know what it is.
Maybe someone else will answer soon that knows what it is. :good:
Sounds like columnaris, where is the fluff on them.
How long did you climatise them for.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
I dont think that is driftwood... that is Grapevine that the white fluff is mold.. take it out, grapevines cant be used submerged

white fluff from fish probably disease from the FS
Sounds like columnaris, where is the fluff on them.
How long did you climatise them for.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.

The fish, that had the fluff, had it on the side of their body. They are dead now.

I dont think that is driftwood... that is Grapevine that the white fluff is mold.. take it out, grapevines cant be used submerged

white fluff from fish probably disease from the FS

The wood came from the FS and had a tag on it that said "Hard Wood" "To use in aquarium let soak in water, exchanging water daily, until water stays clear." Which i did before adding the the aquarium.

Thanks for the help

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