Ok Brine shrimp is the very best food out there for anyone who want to breed and rear any fish.
You can buy in shop at the adualt size which is a little large for most guppies, but adult swords and mollies would be fine with.
You can buy eggs cheep in shops but cheeper on ebay.
They hatch only in a salt soluation and take 24 hours to hatch.
I use a pop bottle filled with the salty water (i use 1 tea spoon of salt per pint)
Add a tea spoon (level) of eggs and aerate very strong for 24 hours and then turn off the air to check if the eggs are hatching.
The newly hatched brine shrimp are bright orange but still very small, so if the hatching your notice a orange look and not longer the brown look of the eggs.
Then aerate again.
Once enough have hatched to feed the fish tourn off the air, and leave for 5 mins to settle down, the eggs will now be floating anf the hatched shrimp on the bottom all massing together hopefully, you then syphone out the hatched shrimp though a coffee filter or very fine mesh net to catch them.
hatched shrimp on the bottom
Filtered shrimp ready to feed.
I hatch a lot to feed loads to my fish, but if u have fewer fish then feed less.
You can feed for 2-3 days befor the shrimp will start to die.