Hybrid Platy X "alfaro Cultratus"


Fish Herder
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
west lothian, scotland
i previously posted to ask wether its possible to cross the two species and was met with uncertainty, but the resulting batch of fry seem to be a mix of pure platt and a few hybrids as a few of them have characteristics akin to that of both parents, and one in particular looks mor alfaro than platy. they are still too small to get a decent pic but i will get a pic up as soon as i can. they are about 10 weeks old and getting bigger every time i look in the tank!
like i told you their totaly unrelated fish impossible to cross.

If you can post a photo then this would help.

But do u have females platies or any other female livebearers which could be the parent's.
like i told you their totaly unrelated fish impossible to cross.

If you can post a photo then this would help.

But do u have females platies or any other female livebearers which could be the parent's.

the mother is a female platy, and the fish i belive is the father is the alfaro. they are proving very difficult to photograph clearly. i have a setting on my camera that ups the shutter speet, alowing me to take a pic of a moving fish, but even in good light, it apeard dark. ive got a couple of pics but they are not good. im just down loading them just now
these are the best pics i can get. it shows one of the fry that i belive is a hybrid

the pics do not do the fish any justice whatso ever. the "hybrid" fry are more elongated than the other fry, and have a much flater back than a platy, more akin to that of the alfaro. the are a yellowy green in colour with a few black speckles and blue eyes.


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I want your male alfaro :(

But thats just a platy, just lightening a photo to make it better

ye defo a platy, xiphophorus and alfaro have been geneticaly split for many 1000's of years and are living iv compleatly diffeent parts of america also the gonopodium structure is incompatabile fro crossing I'm sorry to say.

But thanks for the pics. lovely fish though

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