Got Some Habrosus Yesterday (now With Pics!)


Fish Fanatic
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, got a group of 6, seem to be at least 2 males and 2 females and 2 which I am not sure of yet!! Settled in happily overnight and are lovely! Look smaller in my tank than they did in the shop, half the size of my big amano shrimps but they dont seem to mind at all!

Just got to make sure they get enough food and that my hoover platies dont steal too much!

Really pleased with them so far and thats only after a day! If they settle in well then I may well get some more later!


Now with some pics!


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Can we have some photos please? Pretty Pleease?

will try and get some but what with my camera skills, their size and speed I cant promise decent pics! oh but they are lovely! really settling in now as well. sitting together and then swimming off along the bottom and in mid water. lovely!


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yo noodles... glad you like em. they are funny little chaps. I have 8 and they are very active!
yo noodles... glad you like em. they are funny little chaps. I have 8 and they are very active!

i have 6 but if they do alright may get a few more!


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Still waiting........

Pictures are on my camera, even a video too! But the camera is at home and I am at work... ok ok, I am rubbish... lets hope the pictures when they arrive are not a let down...

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