My New Additions


Fish Fanatic
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Manchester UK
Bought these two beauties today.


The second fish was labelled as a Butterfly plec. Don't think this is correct. I think it's a L014.

Anybody kept these? Any tips I should know?



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Is it rude to ask how much you paid for them?

LOL Not at all.

The first one was £45 which is the most I have EVER paid for a fish. I have seen you can get them from plecoaquatics for £35 but when I saw him I had to get him. :drool:

The 2nd one was £19.

Tokis- P. The first 2 pics are of the same fish.

I'll post some more pics when they are settled in.
Is it rude to ask how much you paid for them?

LOL Not at all.

The first one was £45 which is the most I have EVER paid for a fish. I have seen you can get them from plecoaquatics for £35 but when I saw him I had to get him. :drool:

The 2nd one was £19.

Tokis- P. The first 2 pics are of the same fish.

I'll post some more pics when they are settled in.

Yeah i know, i do'll some research and see what the second pleco is as they are definately two different types of plecos and i don't think either of them are butterfly pleco's as the butterfly pleco has quite distinct markings which none of these two plecos match;

Check out the link for the L273 i just gave you for your first pleco :nod: .
Lovely L273 :good: (though the other one is nice too :))
Sadly mine died just before Christmas :-(
Thanks for the kind comments. I'm chuffed to bits with the 273. Here's a couple of pics of them in the tank - sorry they are not very clear but the 273 wouldn't stay still. There are also a couple of shots of some of my other plecs - 128 (so hard to photograph) and 333.

Bloo. Your fish was stunning. So sorry to hear he died. :no: Was it sudden? Any idea why?


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Thanks Leonwillow - and you have some very beautiful fish there :good:

My only guess is due to territorial issues with my L091 (and they are renowned for "territorialness"). I haven't lost fish in that tank in a very very long time and haven't had any ilness in that tank for over a year or more - so it definitely came as a shock as there were no other signs. So do be aware and make sure you have plenty of caves.

Hope your new fish settle in well :good:

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