Beautiful Fish Piccies spudgun2k love the clown loach i have also got a shoal of clown loach 7 my total is keep me informed how there doing
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anyone got any tips for me for taking better pics?
anyone got any tips for me for taking better pics?
Tip #1: clean the glass first
anyone got any tips for me for taking better pics?
Tip #1: clean the glass first
i know right.i was just messin around trying to get my cam down and looked what popped up.a good pic.except for the water spots.those are real bad because i had just re-arranged the tank and didnt clean the glass yet.sorry bout that
This lot will do for now
Male Kribensis (hes just become a daddy again)
Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides
Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides
Male Carinotetraodon Salivator
Blue Ram